A perfect dreamer just wanna try for looking the world
Go0d night everyb0dy!
Yeah, l0ng time n0 update yet! Haha
I was busy >.<
you kn0w why? Holiday, Assigment, Try0ut, and many test i did. S0o0o0o0o busy~
Hmm... But n0w, Try0ut is 0ver! Just f0r n0w ha? Yupz! This's the 2nd T0 here. And where the hell c0me! The mumble is bl0ming. Aha! The 2nd r0om. 0h, i can't tell 4 the public. Hihihi~
next, I've accepted in Desain Komunikasi Visual IM Telk0m, yatta!! \(^o^)
but,but,but, i've to transvere 6milion , lates at 22 January. But, i'm c0nvuse n0w.. Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~
g0es to UI 2010 ! ^^
caw !
Kamis, 14 Januari 2010
Ivon adVentura
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