The Crazy Activity

Sometimes, I ever think about make my own oline shop! Hahaha, who wanna buy my products?

Okay, it’s just my crazy activities, my own project, a little bit weird, but it’s fun! Hihihih… just put out my T-shirt, turned it over, and paint crazily! I love it! I love it! And I become crazier and moreeeeeee.

Just look at my poor victims :

this's already happen T.T

pop up

i named it, blue ocean. *amit-amit ya*

for the details

ya, that's real!

does it look like a princess?

and taraaaaaaa!

don't try this at street!

The T-shirts are dried

hanging on . . . . *nggak tau namanya apaan*

look back

oh God!

is that a human?

Those're in sale??? You want it? Serious? Ummmm… if you want, it will.

Ya! Ya! I’ve my own online shop! Wanna shop sist??? Just leave your comment in this post . So, here we go with my own BRAND! Gorgeous On Independent! I named, GOI.

it's absolutely  my first design. i hope GOI will be a succsessful online shop! *muluk-muluk*

GOI is OPEN! GOI on SALE! The first costumer will get a secret stuff from GOI. So, let’s shop on GOI. :)

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