I'm still waiting for senyum CAP 3 JARI!
Hi Guys! I want to introduce you to my BEST FRIENDS. They are my classmates. They are FIRE. yeah, WE ARE FIRE!
Achmad Fahmi Yonda
Adkha Iriani
Afif Dwi Cahyanta
Annisa Aynatuzzahiroh
Ashrina Yana Tiara
Ariata Puji O
Ayu Dewi Susiana
Ayu Perdana K. S
Bagussatya Nasyid M
Danastri Shahnaz Putri
Dwi Mulyono
Dwi Nuur Musyaffa
Eko Fitrianto
Elsa Respati
Fadilah Nuryunita
Galuh Indira
Hardyta Noviar Rahma
Heru Pranoto
Huda Fatullah Sawitara
Imam Prasetyo
Irma Aji Putri
Indra Bayu Pradana
Madiana Laela
Mohammad Samudra
Nadya Anggi Hastiti
Nining Safitri
Nurul Istiqomah T. A
Sheilla Yudiana
Shofia Desi Rohmawati
Siti Aminah
Reki Priyambodo
Rosiana Dwi W. S
Teguh Septian Nugroho
Wakhidatin Nurul H
Yani Agian
Yeni Nur Ana
Yunita Yesi Damaryanti
Guys, someday when we meet again, don't forget that we were a friend :)
Don't forget me! hehe
I have change my BLOG NAME.
i don't know. it JUST goes by the time, because i have been finding this . I found that blog on my friend blog . I don't wanna judge anyone. But, actually i used that name (poenya cerita) much earlier than she did. You could look at the year i made this blog and she did. Okay, i said i do not wanna judge anyone. Because i don't really know, is it an accident or not. So just, i thought it was time to refresh your eyes with something new! Just take the positive side! ya i trying.
and taaaraaaaaaaaaaa, here we go with the new one, "IVON LIVE LIFE" :)
So have a nice MONDAY :D
hi people!
Did you know Cat Power? Charlyn Marie Marshall, also known as Chan (pronounced “Shawn”) Marshall, she's a singer. And she started performing under the name CAT POWER. Actually i don't really know her. But i know one of her songs! If you listened Sea Of Love, you'll think, it was an adorable song! Yup! it supposed to be. but, but, but, when we're in the ... lyrics, you must be laugh! I don't know. when i listening Sea Of Love, i just like late in the song! i feeeeeeel . . . yeah, you know what will people feel when they hear a song like that. but, THEN i SHOCKED! LOL! that's not about boyfriend etc, it JUST about A PET! LOL! LOL! LOL! xD
this's the lyrics,
haaaaaaaaai, longtime no update (^^)>
gomen minna :D
Hey, I wanna tell you about the SIMAK announcement! i wasn't accepted YET! see? everybody said,"DON'T GIVE UP VON!!!!" and definitely i answered,"FIRE!!!!" *like those on Sinchan TV show*
yeah! i never give up! UI gitu loh! and of course i joined UMB! wish me luck guys ^^
I'm going to Semarang on 21 Mei 2010. And UMB test will be held on 22 Mei in UNNES.and i'll go there with Nurul.
Okay, here we go for the late update, it was about my first flight to Jakarta on
Friday Mei 7th 2010 with my mom and my daddy. Not as usual, our route were Cileduk-Bekasi. I miss my Old home! and i didn't go there! it was on Pejaten Barat, Pasar Minggu, JakSel. When we traveled Cileduk-Bekasi through Pancoran statue, yeah, yeah, a little longer i'll get home! hooooooome :"(
and it was reminded me on my childhood. i miss my old best friends! Resti, how are you?
so, take a sneak peek here,
Selamat pagi semuaaaaaa :)
today's so shiny right? sebenernya gue masih belom mandi lho! hhahahahha xD
but, in this time i wanna share you one of my poems. so welcomeeeee, "HARUS". yups! that's a tittle for my poetry below.
just like remembering my past. Actually this poetry was to fullfil my task from Mr. Haryanto as my Indonesian teacher.
Karya seorang manusia bernama Hardyta Noviar Rahma yang lahir karena suatu keharusan pada pukul 23:55 karena terancam dioperasi pada pukul 24:00, dan dia harus terus berjuang melanjutkan hidupnya untuk menjadi seorang ahli gizi jebolan Universitas Indonesia yang berguna bagi agama, nusa, dan bangsa
Hi, hi, lately i overtalking about FIRE ha? hehe... i love them soooo much!don't have a lot of talking, just check this out!
and those are some pictures we took on the way to Jepara
Guys, i realize, it was the loongest post i ever write! and those're so many photos i uploaded on my blog. but, i hope you like its :)
cheer :D