The Crazy Activity

Sometimes, I ever think about make my own oline shop! Hahaha, who wanna buy my products?

Okay, it’s just my crazy activities, my own project, a little bit weird, but it’s fun! Hihihih… just put out my T-shirt, turned it over, and paint crazily! I love it! I love it! And I become crazier and moreeeeeee.

Just look at my poor victims :

this's already happen T.T

pop up

i named it, blue ocean. *amit-amit ya*

for the details

ya, that's real!

does it look like a princess?

and taraaaaaaa!

don't try this at street!

The T-shirts are dried

hanging on . . . . *nggak tau namanya apaan*

look back

oh God!

is that a human?

Those're in sale??? You want it? Serious? Ummmm… if you want, it will.

Ya! Ya! I’ve my own online shop! Wanna shop sist??? Just leave your comment in this post . So, here we go with my own BRAND! Gorgeous On Independent! I named, GOI.

it's absolutely  my first design. i hope GOI will be a succsessful online shop! *muluk-muluk*

GOI is OPEN! GOI on SALE! The first costumer will get a secret stuff from GOI. So, let’s shop on GOI. :)


love fashion blogs!

A perfect dreamer just wanna try for looking the world

Howdy minna-san!!!

Today, I feel sooooo curious! Lately, I often open some fashion blogs! And as a very normal and healthy girl, I wanna shop a lot!!!!! Kyaaaaaaaa~
It is absoutely not my fault MOM!!! Those stuff were cring on me and beg to buy. *ngeles*
The first blog I met some days ago was Diana Rikasari, she was definitely cool!!! Mix’nMatch she did was awesome! I love her imagination! I love her blog! I love her stuff! and I love her room too!

i love it!

so gorgeous ha?

i want this one!!!

it's newbies goodies

she said it was available in bright spot @ grand Indonesia

And from her lovely blog which won so many awards, I met a lot of online shops! Momma, just make them go away!!! *beging to buy*

In case, those online shops have so many goodies, gorgeous, unique, cute, and adorable stuff! And the price was so high for me as a student and not have income yet, except from my parent. And my parent have a thousand reasons to decline my desire to shop! Oh! That’s an irony.

Zara, topsop, forever21, old blossom box, alice point, picnic, and so many more I love!

alice on the street

they said it was sold out! WHAT?!!!?!!

chose one, and give it to me :)

Ok! Thaks for those inspiration Diana ^^

Umm, in addition, love your culture and explore the heritage, to show your love untuk Ibu Pertiwi! She has been watching on  YOU!


Tumpengan dirumah

A perfect dreamer just wanna try for looking the world

This time I feel so ehm... "Rada merrrrrinding" hehe.. It's seriously hapened! Yap, I feel those feeling when I heard some songs, like Indonesia Raya, Asmaul Husnah, etc *i forgot*

But now, when the first time I hear "Wavin' Flag / Will I Be-nya David Guetta K'naan" sumpah gw merining !!! So, what's up whit that song guys? I don't really know exactly.But I feel ON FIRE at the time. It was burning on my soul to get the liberty! Ya!Ya! Ya! In addition, I'm listening Wavin' Flag now. I like it! Ummm, btw, did you know which one is the song I mean? I'm pretty sure you know, but maybe you just don't know about the singer and the tittle. Wavin' Flag is a themesong of CocaCo** corp in this world cup season which in shaking Africa this year!

he's Knaan!!! i really do love your song!!!

This's the hotest lyrics I love soooo much!

When I get older, I will be stronger, they call me freedom, just like a wavin' flag. Just wave your flag, so wave your flag! Now wave your flag!

Someday i'll do it!!! Go Indonesia!!! Go!!!

Okay! A day ago, my family has something to be celebrated, yaa something like our thanksfull to God for a lot.
Those are some pictures,


jadi mo mo lagi


the most crowded table !!! *lebai*

Of course we cocked a lot, yellow rise *aneh ya? Maksud gw nasi kuning* hehe, oseng-oseng, bihun goreng, ayam ingkung, ayam goreng, sambel goreng, telor rebus, tahu tempe bachem and urap pap pap pap pap. I think those foods are too much! It's still on my kitchen anyway. Luckily, there're some yeah, momment when some people came and ate this morning, so those foods were less! Till now, we still have each of them. Hmmm... Dulunya enak, eh jadi eneg! -_-

Hmhmhm, when i were browsing, i founded this pretty shoes!

Guys, I want those stuff (>.<)


The Way Back into Love

A perfect dreamer just wanna try for looking the world

It's just like a drama show. So weird! Honestly, this song sounds sooo romantic! I think, it's the most romantic song i ever heard!!! It looks very me? Ah, perasaan lo aja~

so check the lyrics above,

I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past I just can't seem to move on

I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I never need them again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere

I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end

There are moments when I don't know if it's real or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiation
Not just another negotiation

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end

Have u know, it has been playing 20 times on my i-Tunes, since i got it from mbak-mbak-nya yang jaga warnet near the police office in my village.


Cukup kecewa

A perfect dreamer just wanna try for looking the world

Umm... from the deepest of our hearts, we're really really disapointed with all of this risults. yah, actually it's not the final, that's what my friend said. he had compalined all of the WORSTthings!!! so, let's wait for the final results of
this memories album.

but now, here we go, for the worsthings i ever seen! *lebai ah*

Sigh... i'm out -.-


Hari terakhir US

A perfect dreamer just wanna try for looking the world

i'm hooooome. . .
*emang selama ini gue dimana?*

Ehm.Jadi gini. UN udah. Ujian Praktek udah. UNDIP udah. US bentar lagi. SIMAK nggak sabaaaaaaaar!!!

Aduh, banyak banget suka duka gue dari postingan sebelum ini sampe postinxgan yang lagi lo baca. Tapi tapi tapi gue LUPA!
Hahahahahah,.. Ia beneran!

Besok hari terakhir saya US teman-teman. Wish me luck ya! :)