Hi, i'm 19th now,
alhamdulilah and i'm happy being 19 ^_^
It's not just about the number, but the meaning inside. number and alphabet, what's the different??
is it to important?
On me, yes it is. Honestly i am just like a kind of easy forgot the things. But sometime i remember something that i thought it was special. That something special is truly different with the other else, and I'm happy on it. number, that i thought it was a special thing, that something happened indeed. Number on this case i mean a date. DATE that expressed by a NUMBER. Is it difficult to remember the number that it is a special thing to have with a special way to do?
A special moment with people you love, i think it is an adorable and unforgettable, yeah i thought...
Have i sad? mad? crying all day long? God, please ....
Now think i don't really care anymore. People have they own way. People provide maps, I choose the path. And sometime i wanna make a special part on his journey. That's just like a happy line
This's from my friend Eko Fitrianto which continuing study in Institut Teknologi Bandung that published in November 1st 2011 on my 12th class group in FaceBook that we called "FIRE"
and I thought i wanna share this fact to all of you here, please enjoy :)
Copast dr temen [OOT] Cerita mahasiswa Indonesia di Ausie. Nyataa. Suatu pagi,kami menjemput seseorg klien di bandara.Org itu sdh tua,kisaran 60 thn.Si Bpk adl pengusaha asal Singapura,dgn logat bicara gaya melayu&english,beliau menceritakan pengalaman2 hidupnya kpd kami yg msh muda. Beliau berkata,"Ur country is so rich!" Ah biasa banget denger kata2 itu. Tapi tunggu dulu.
"Indonesia doesn't need ......the world,but the world needs Indonesia,"
lanjutnya. "Everything can be found here in Indonesia,U don't need the world." "Mudah saja,Indonesia paru2 dunia.Tebang saja hutan di kalimantan,dunia pasti kiamat. Dunia yg butuh Indonesia! Singapura is nothing,we can't be rich without Indonesia 500.000 org Indonesia berlibur ke Singapura tiap bulan.Bisa terbayang uang yg masuk ke kami,apartemen2 terbaru kami yg beli org2 Indonesia,ga peduli harga selangit, laku keras.Lihatlah RS kami,org Indonesia semua yg berobat.Trus,kalian tau bgmna kalapnya pemerintah kami ketika asap hutan Indonesia masuk? Ya,bener2 panik.Sangat terasa,we are nothing.Kalian tau kan kalo Agustus kmrn dunia krisis beras.Termasuk di Singapura dan Malaysia?Kalian di Indonesia dgn mudah dpt beras.Liatlah negara kalian, air bersih di mana2,liatlah negara kami,air bersih pun kami beli dari Malaysia. Saya ke Kalimantan pun dlm rangka bisnis,krn pasirnya mengandung permata.Terliat glitter kalo ada matahari bersinar. Penambang jual cuma Rp 3rb/kg ke pabrik china,si pabrik jual kembali seharga Rp 30rb/ kg.Saya liat ini sbg peluang.Kalian sadar tidak kalo negara2 lain selalu takut meng-embargo Indonesia! Ya,karena negara kalian memiliki segalanya.Mereka takut kalau kalian mnjadi mandiri,makanya tidak di embargo. Harusnya KALIANLAH YG MENG- EMBARGO DIRI KALIAN SENDIRI. Belilah pangan dr petani2 kita sendiri,belilah tekstil garmen dr pabrik2 sendiri.Tak perlu impor klo bs produk sendiri. Jika kalian bs mandiri,bisa MENG- EMBARGO DIRI SENDIRI, INDONESIA WILL RULE THE WORLD!! Plis share ya biar sampe ke seluruh bangsa Indonesia...
So, what we have to do as a great and cool teenager ?? ha? ha? Talk less do MORE aja ya guys! ^_^
We don't need talk anymore!
Let's start one by one like the points above, and start with your self and then spread out with the people around you, and let's work together. It's simple! So c'mon :D
Being a little child is always fun, but now being a mature woman which has responsibility, opportunity, change, career, and romance, is all I wannabe. Sometimes it looks so hard, but it's not.
It's what you think about.
Now I am on my 3rd semester, and i fell happy. I'm happy with everything I do, even it's not much. Being a grateful person and believe that everything is gonna be okay are the lucky tips to make you ageless :)
Believe it or not, smile can make your super hyper bad mood down to the pervious level.
And if I've done with a problem, i'm sure there are so many waiting lists for the other problems. And I believe It'll bringing us to the next level, like playing a video game :)
Being useful is the true meaning of live. And I'm happy with that. And my dady always say, "pokoke ojo lali solat." and my Mom always say,"Don't be scare if you're right, that's nothing to worried about dear."
And I'm so lucky to have you both
And here I am Back to the typing world :)
So I swear ... (yeah i know, i've been talking about that more than once), yeah i've swear, but now i really swear and i promise that i really really wanna back to this typing world, at least once a week.. hehe (^^)>
Did you know, that i've been through so many many many things that i love, hate, a little bit mad, sad, crazy, creepy, and furious all the time, but i loved to ^_^
But if you ask me 'How it's going on?' I afraid i'll say, 'Oh it's just ummmm... sorry, what's your question?'... and you repeat, 'HOW IT IS GOING ON?' and i said, 'ehm....sorry i forgot'
*HELP! immediately need a brain shock therapy*
The FACT is. . . I AM BLACK ! As the result of those crazy fisheries practicums i am black! I'm realy really black! Ok i think brown. Sigh~
But it's okay when Y said that it's okay. Thanks Y :)
I don't wanna be black ehm i mean BROWN! God please take me to the right way *lagi berdoa*
By the way, I'm still on mid semester test now, and on the deadline for all those practicum reports, i hope it'll going well, i hope so, and i'll keep on typing here... see ya ^^