The Trip

One word that full of a thousand joy!
yes it was :(
And now I'm too busy to take a trip out of the town, get a shopping window with my mum and my cousins, go to the park, hunting an adorable, unique, and random stuff with my sista (Lusi, Putri, mb Lid), even look around on a great sale or a zoo, and other culinary that out off usual, GOD i need them all! :<

but here, i've to learn so many things that absolutely new, but I rather like it now, hehe :)
i'm in Pati, and i've to get back in Semarang ASAP, for KRS, KHS, and many more. i'm getting confused. haha

i try to join SKM (Sihing Krido Mukti) on Pepadi (Persatuan Pedalangan Indonesia) to learn how to play Gamelan first, and getting up with play its virtually (on e-Gamelan, just like a virtual gamelan that was played on PC maybe it's kind of a software)

He's Mr. Bondan, my gamelan teacher, we've a private course about traditional music that called GAMELAN, i learn gamelan every day every afternoon. it was pure complicated! haha...
Karawitan, that's we called those stuff when some people playing in harmony.

my first ubek-ubek tambak! haha

@BBI Brati, my first aquaculture traineeship

I'm a aquaculture mania! haha

Y with a hopeless Nila, i hope you get a better life soon Nil!!!!!! You have to survive! YOU HAVE TO! okay! yay! *agag lebai* haha

Indukan Lele Sangkuriang

Y explain about umm... sorry, what have you explain about yesterday, dear? hehe (^^)

the chef of BBI said,"Although we are man, here we are all around" hehe

flood covers up some region in Pati, hope that'll get normal soon :(

Woah, that's all until this day. hem...
Y went to Jepara to join "Aquaculture Traing" for 3 days, and I still stay here because my mum was not in a good condition this morning. That's not a big deal, i can join that event on the next day, hehe, amin :)

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