Aduuuuuuuuuuuh gue bingung sooob!
Laporan bejibun, tugas seabrek, ini itu, bla bli blo, kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~
Suer! lately my friends and I spent our whole time in the library! Yap! Seriously, we just needed the AC! Cool inside, hot out side. hahaha xD
we're getting crazy and moooooreeeee >.<
Widya Puraya ya kalo nggak salah nama perpus UNDIP. I don't really know that full name, we just saying "WP" all the time. People asked ,"Whr R U?" on text we repplied, "WP"
WP, WP, WP, and always WP. We ARE WP addicted!
*kayak iklan*
Senin, 11 Oktober 2010
Ivon adVentura
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