Kami, pemuda Indonesia, berjanji mulai detik ini akan bersungguh-sungguh menjaga, merawat, melestarikan, dan mengelola keanekaragaman hayati perairan Indonesia dengan riang gembira!
-Semarang, 10-10-2010-
plok plok plok plok... *tepuk tangan*
here we go, i wanna tell you about my event of the day :
I am the MC in the launching of RED FISH (Research Diving and Fisheries Schooling) at Fisheries building A 111. that's all of sudden! The launching was held in 10 October 2010, at 10.00 a.m in A 111 room. That's so unique numerical sequence :)
next, My old brother is the founder of RED FISH, congratz to you mas Yudho !!!! :D
RedFish! Together we'll never lost!
*that's my suggestion for the yell*
and, for the event two weeks ago, my friend, my seniors, and I went to Tanjung Mas for fishing, fisheries learning, have fun, and more.
di depan konrakannya mas Yudho
and this is our journey begun. yay!!
she's Depri, adek kecil kami :D
we are a team! ^^
Annisa, Atta, and I :)
Iwak opo kuwi??? hahaha
gokil daaaah xD
Adi and Rian
he's mas Yudho who always yelling "Ganbatte Kudasai!!!!" :D
Duet keong laut , hihihih (^^)v
That was so fun! We were learn together! Learn more and more, the seniors gave us some explanations and we work together. we learn about team work, sail on the sea, use the fishing gear, pull out the heavy and big trawl, looked around the sea, and I'm so happy to be around them :)
cheer :)
Senin, 11 Oktober 2010
Ivon adVentura
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