Sorry for the chords and lyrics again :)

Yap, for the tittle. hehe

Sori dori mori minna-san :)
I just wanna share to you, the most describe mind mine currently. Because song is an universal language. No need more time, you'll understand its well :)
Verse 1:
I'm just a normal boy
The sequent of the overboard
My ship would leave country
but it rather swim ashore
without a life guess I'd be stuck again
wish I was much more masculine
maybe then i could learn to swim
like fourteen miles away
now floating up and down
I spend colliding into sound
like whales beneath me diving down
I'm sinking to the bottom
of my every thing that freaks me out
the light house beam has just run out
I'm cold as cold as cold can be......be

I want to swim away but dont know how
Somtimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
let the waves up take me down
let the hurricane set in motion yea
F                                                                     C
let the rain of what i feel right now come down...let the rain come down

Verse 2:
Where is the coastguard I keep looking his direction
for a spotlight give me something I need something for pertection
mabye floating junk would do just fine
the jet ski some come left behind
I'm dreading for my life believe me
how can I keep up this breathing
not knowing how you think I scream aloud begin to sink
my legs and arms are broken down with envy for the solid ground
I'm reaching for the life within me
how can one man stop his ending
I thought of just your face relaxed and floated into space


Verse 3:
now wake into the sun
I calculate what I have done
like jumping from the bow yea
just to prove that i knew how yea
its midnights late reminder
of the loss of her the one I love
my will to quickly end it all sat front row
in my need to fall and
into the ocean end it all [x4]
into the ocean end it all



Into space..............I thought of just your face

Sure i wanna learn to play its on my gui,


Something That I Can't Quite Explain

Hi Folks!
Now, i'm listening "Calling You" Blue October, that's my current fave song.

Dm G
There's something that I can't quite explain
     C     F     Dm  G
I'm so in love with you - You'll never take that away
C     F    Dm   F
  And if I said a hundred times before
   C    F         Dm    G
expect a thousand more - You never take that away 


Well expect me to be
calling you to see
if you're ok when I'm not around
asking if you love me
I love the way you make it sound
Calling you to see
     Dm          Am
do I try too hard to make you smile
to make a smile

      C   F
Well I will keep calling you to see
if you're sleepin' are you dreamin' and
    G       C
if you're dreamin' are you dreamin' of me
     F               Dm      G
I can't believe you actually picked...me

[Verse 2]

I thought that the world had lost its sway

(it's so hard sometimes)

then I fell in love with you (then came you)

and you took that away

(it's not so difficult, the world is not so difficult)

you take away the old, show me the new

and I feel like I can fly when I stand next to you

so what if I'm on this phone a hundred miles from home

I take the words you gave and send them back to you



[Bridge, which is something like Am Dm G C]
A very ultra hyper quick post ya? Hehe
I'm busy right now.
Oke! See yaaa! Babai!
(Runnin' to the Chemical Laboratory) >.<


My whole live is just for WP

Aduuuuuuuuuuuh gue bingung sooob!

Laporan bejibun, tugas seabrek, ini itu, bla bli blo, kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~

Suer! lately my friends and I spent our whole time in the library! Yap! Seriously, we just needed the AC! Cool inside, hot out side. hahaha xD

we're getting crazy and moooooreeeee >.<

Widya Puraya ya kalo nggak salah nama perpus UNDIP. I don't really know that full name, we just saying "WP" all the time. People asked ,"Whr R U?" on text we repplied, "WP"

WP, WP, WP, and  always WP. We ARE WP addicted!
*kayak iklan*


Kegiatan pertama kami, mahasiswa perikanan

Kami, pemuda Indonesia, berjanji mulai detik ini akan bersungguh-sungguh menjaga, merawat, melestarikan, dan mengelola keanekaragaman hayati perairan Indonesia dengan riang gembira!

-Semarang, 10-10-2010-

plok plok plok plok... *tepuk tangan*

here we go, i wanna tell you about my event of the day :
I am the MC in the launching of RED FISH (Research Diving and Fisheries Schooling) at Fisheries building A 111. that's all of sudden! The launching was held in 10 October 2010, at 10.00 a.m in A 111 room. That's so unique numerical sequence :)

next, My old brother is the founder of RED FISH, congratz to you mas Yudho !!!! :D
RedFish! Together we'll never lost!
*that's my suggestion for the yell*

and, for the event two weeks ago, my friend, my seniors, and I went to Tanjung Mas for fishing, fisheries learning, have fun, and more.

di depan konrakannya mas Yudho

and this is our journey begun. yay!!

she's Depri, adek kecil kami :D 

 we are a team! ^^

Annisa, Atta, and I :) 

Iwak opo kuwi??? hahaha 

gokil daaaah xD 

Adi and Rian

he's mas Yudho who always yelling "Ganbatte Kudasai!!!!" :D

Duet keong laut , hihihih (^^)v

That was so fun! We were learn together! Learn more and more, the seniors gave us some explanations and we work together. we learn about team work, sail on the sea, use the fishing gear, pull out the heavy and big trawl, looked around the sea, and I'm so happy to be around them :)

cheer :)