Assalamualaikum Wr Wb wahai saudaraku sebangsa dan setanah air yang berbahagia,
Some day ago, i was in Semarang, stay d kos2anya mbak Mito my senior at my SHS, for what? Yupz! Not snmptn, but TES PENJAJAKAN! Bener banget, dulu-dulu i told u that i was accepted in UNDIP by PSSB. So, here i was, in Semarang at 16 17 Juni 2010, pas banget sama snmptn. And as i thought, it always like that as long long long long long time ago, mbak2 yang satu kos2an sama mbak Mito yang ngasih tau gue. Her name is emmm. . .I FORGOT! Sumpah gue lupa! But, she came from Sulawesi. That's one i could remember. Of course, she came from pssb too, jurusan mbak2 itu Teknik Kimia. Kereng nggak sih! :D
awesome daaah!
Mbak mito told me so much things about KSR, kayak PMR gitu katanya, but i think it just like social activity that full of adventure, outdoor activity laah, seru abis! Those were i got from her explanation about KSR. Sure i wanna try that someday! Waaaait me mbak...
Insyallah :)
and i got a serrious gift from semarang! On my last day in semarang for this week, i got conjungtiva! Bener gag sih tulisannya? Pokoknya my eye became soooooo RED! That's terible! First, it was on the right one, and when i was home, the left one nggak mau ketinggalan juga ternyata. PARAH! Eeeh eh, sekarang nyokap gw ketularan juga. Mbak Mito di sana (semarang) katanya jg ketularan. Aduh aduh...
I hope we'll get better soon.
Amin :)
Because we are alive so we've gotta live life
Don't Waste Your Time
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Me, My Self, and I
- Hardyta Noviar Rahma
- A cat lover, ocean addict, best actress as a professional chef and always get lost in everywhere. "Everything on earth has a purpose" So do the max, pray, and keep positive to GOD :)
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