telat banget ya? hehe
here we go aja lah
Saat ini aku melihat langit,
dan kau pun tersenyum, tepat disampingku
lalu sepasang kaki ini pergi menjauh,
ini bukan suatu keharusan, memang
memang bukan
sesekali aku berbalik, hilang
seolah tak terlihat, entahlah
apa aku sudah terlalu jauh?
bahkan akupun belum tahu pasti
Mungkin aku harus kembali
menjari jalan kembali ke asal,
ya aku kembali lagi,
datang dan pergi sesuka hati, dulu
bahkan kadang tersesat
namun jalan ini selalu terang
inikah cahaya dari hatimu?
lampu abadi ditengah krisis energi dunia
terimakasih, ibu
So gooooooooood morning everybody!!! (^O^)/'
Yap, a little bit talking about something that I rather don't like to publish here, but today i wanna do that! hehe
He belongs to me, and I belongs to his.
so simple but that's what i wanna share on you guys :)
Ok, a fact that you have to know and i'm happy to be like that :)
love you Y! (^_^)>
Hi guys! :)
I'm in Semarang today! ^^
I just wanna share my current fave-song TODAY.
Did you ever hear about Yuna? Yeah, i've just know about her 50 hours ago! hahaahha... but I do really love her!!! I love YUNA!!!! but i don't know, where she come from, etc. But i don't mind :)
i still love her! :D
Here we go, "Deeper Conversation"
Em A
Is your favourite colour blue?
Do you always tell the truth?
Em A
Do you believe in outerspace?
And im learning you
Em A
Is your skin as tanned as mine?
Does your hair flow sideways?
Em A
Did someone took a portion of your heart?
And im learning you
And if you dont mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears
and Everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
Em A
Id love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me
Em A
I let my guard down for you
Em A
And in time you will too
And if you dont mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears
and Everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
Em A
Id love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me
Repeat [CHORUS]
Deeper conversation,
with me,
Deeper conversation,
with me,
Deeper conversation,
with me,
Deeper conversation,
with me,
Hi folks!
I am the eight now! hahaha... sure, i'm not seven anymore. SO TURN ON THE SPIRIT! Yay! :D
November 11th 2010
I've got the wet coolest morning ever! Not morning but a hyper early morning! And got stuck on the yard with a wet costume! All over the body! Hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~
And I begged around with every people inside the kost to let me in and open the door, c'mon! I got STUCK here!!!! But no one would :"<
They throw up the water on me, and i can't do the same thing, they were EIGHT and i was ONE! 8 vs 1.
next, next,
and 30 minutes later (maybe, because i just wait and mumble too long)
Finally Ayuk open the door and I was ready for the vengeance. hahahahaha
At campus,
UTS STATISTIK! God, i've never want to remember that anymore -_-
Kost (again)
For the night, i've got dinner at WSB with all of the KOST (except mbak Naya, because she wasn't here at the day) + Annis. Just forgot about the water for a while! hahaha
But, i was not as healthy as usual, i felt not too good. Just like my head shaking, and i wanna throw up everything inside my stomach. When we went back, I immediately went to my room, turned off the lamp, and went to bed. And I slept soundly :)
in 11 p.m. still on the day
Hastin, one of the KOST, called me up loudly, and asked me something about her key, yap, in fact she pretended losing her key! And I wasn't got any sense about that, because i've just slept and suddenly awake when she louded, so I open my door and guess what?!!!? All of the KOST, Ayu, Denok, Hastin, Wulan, Mbak Novi, Mbak Dea, Mbak Ani (except Mbak Naya because she was at home that night) were in front of my room, sang a Happy Birthday song together and stand up with a cute and yummy tart with the candles on. I still standing on my door, setengah sadar setengah enggak. hehehehe ^^v
But, at that moment I felt soooooo happy :)
Domo arigatou gozaimasu minnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xD
Matur Thankyou yah ^^
12 November 2010
Lilik, Mas Yudho, Mas Irfan, and I were on a single route, we visited 3 places at once, PH, Lawang Sewu, and Tugu Muda.
so much fun and joy! but a little bit creepy :S
hahaha, just take a look here :)
And those are our faces,
Tugu Muda :