Lie or Lies

-Live happily ever after-

that's the most wanted sentence of many people thought about in the end of the story, and I'm one of them that hope so :)

when the fell's getting up and down randomly and i become an unpredictable girl. Trust and believe are the answer. And it's by the long looong and looooong trusting.

Communication would be the first problem. So ask! Please ask :)
No more thinking to long, and make your own drama in your mind by thinking if if if and if-something. BLAH! Honestly i often do the same thing, sigh~

"write you need to write, not what is currently popular or what you think will sell"
-PD James-

So let's start the day with the new ideas and spirit :D
And   Gong Xi Fa Cai  for all kokos and cicis in the world! :) :)