Just a Simple Note

Hi :)

Someday I felt so complicated! When i feel my heart pumping too weird, i just take a deep breath and just trying to take it on. Am i mad? I'm MAD! yeah I mad of you! No, not at all,
just let me show you,  Oh God, i can't! Spending my whole time in an unpredictable situations? Sometimes maybe that's fun, but in the other hand, i thought
i simply aught to

I did what i've to do. Hey! Wake me up! please...

If i feeling bad, i try to keepin' okay, because she said that everything is gonna be alright. Cry was not the way i did. But in some cases i did. Yeah, i'm  a normal. Does my furious gonna solve anything on me? I hope so. But actually no! sure i know it, but i did.
So what the hell am i doing here?

Just tell me! Oh please, am i belong here?
is it gonna be broken? Forgotten? and Disappear?

Of course i need a big revolution on me.  Getting back to the true i am. Makin' people happy to be around me. And think out of the compulsion. And it takes a process,